Helen MacIntyre

Set Designer & Prop Stylist

#Brands #Editorial #Illustration #Mixed Media #Moving Image #Props #Set Design #still life

Born and raised in St Albans, Helen studied fashion textiles at Brighton University. After university Helen travelled to India where she worked in wood block printing, then onto New York to work in print design. She decided to move back to London to try her hand at sets, prop making and building, during this time she assisted Shona Heath, Andy Hillman, James Hatt and Fred Butler. On the side she started making card sculptures, and was asked to make a cardboard one man band for a shoot. From there it snowballed, and 10 years on she has become very handy with a scalpel and glue gun. Helen collaborates with a diverse range of editorial and advertising clients, creating sets that stem from deep within her imagination and inspired by colour and humour. She is very hands on building, designing, crafting and painting her aesthetic into every set she makes. In addition to her set design and prop work, she draws and illustrates from her studio in London. She also loves a bit of karaoke.